
Showing posts from March, 2025


 It looks like another month is here and February has some fun events happening.  We have our normal routine on Sunday with attending Missionary correlation meeting and then on to Church when we don't have anyone to pick up for Church.  The missionaries use us when a member can't help out or new need a ride.  We have our Addiction Recovery class at night through zoom.  Mondays are traditionally our p-day where we run errands and have other activities.  Tuesday is always district meetings, our district is us plus 8-9 missionaries.  We love the training and doctrine taught there.  We evaluate how each companionship is doing and who is on date for baptisms.  They share ideas with each other on how to find new friends to teach.  Wednesday is preparing for institute dinner.  We plan a meal for about 30 people each week that attend institute.  Some of them are students at University of Maryland, others are members or friends that wan...