It looks like another month is here and February has some fun events happening.  We have our normal routine on Sunday with attending Missionary correlation meeting and then on to Church when we don't have anyone to pick up for Church.  The missionaries use us when a member can't help out or new need a ride.  We have our Addiction Recovery class at night through zoom.  Mondays are traditionally our p-day where we run errands and have other activities.  Tuesday is always district meetings, our district is us plus 8-9 missionaries.  We love the training and doctrine taught there.  We evaluate how each companionship is doing and who is on date for baptisms.  They share ideas with each other on how to find new friends to teach.  Wednesday is preparing for institute dinner.  We plan a meal for about 30 people each week that attend institute.  Some of them are students at University of Maryland, others are members or friends that want to attend.  Thursdays are our day to attend the Temple and deliver invites to inactive members or those were concerned about in the branch.  Fridays we volunteer at the Meals on Wheels.  We deliver a hot and cold meal to an apartment complex.  I have 13 and Rick has about 11 to deliver.  It's in the same apartment building just on different floors.  We bag them  together and hang them on their door.  We knock on the door and say, "Meals on wheels, have a great day."  Some of the people we have gotten to know as they thank us as we leave.  It's a very rewarding service for us to participate in.  Some of the Friday's I get to quilt with some friends I have made here in Maryland not of my faith.  They are great ladies and have become friends.  Saturdays are sometimes combined with other missionaries for an outing or we have scheduled baptisms on Friday or Saturday.  That's a run down or our schedule somewhat.  We have time for companion study or listening to a Come Follow Me broadcast.  We helped the missionary effort by baking pumpkin bread and rolls for the missionaries to use in their finding.

Some of the highlights for the month included several Valentine Day celebrations.  We had decorating cookies for FHE, Galatines Night with the Relief Society.  It was a fun ladies get together and had appetizers with bracelet making.  We celebrated with a dinner date to Amigos.  

We attended the Two Stake YSA Valentine Dance at the National Cathedral School.  It was a dressy affair and we loved seeing many of our branch supporting it.  It was a fun venue with mocktails, trivia, dancing and visiting.  We helped out serving water before the night was over.

Katie, myself, Tessia

We always enjoy Zone Conference.  We helped prepare and serve the meal.  It was about 150 missionaries.  The Irvines made an amazing Chinese New Year celebration.  I was in charge later that night for the Senior Zone Conference meal.  We went for Pasta bar as we had Chinese food earlier that  day.  Our senior couples including the mission leaders totaled about 38.  We loved getting to hear from President Clarke and the departing senior missionaries.  We will miss some of our dear friends that were leaving.  We heard from the Collins in the Visitor's center, housing seniors Workman's and the Goodman's.  We will miss them here in the Washington DC North mission.

Transfers brought new faces
Elders Bishop and Faldmo
Sisters Thorn and Argyle

Night out at Amigos

We hosted a zone breakfast waffles and ice cream

We ended the month with baptisms with the Single Adults at the temple.  We attended the Bible Museum's production of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.  It was a fun date night and we ate at Burrito Bros. for lunch.  We rode the metro there and it's been a while since we've been down to DC.  

It's been a fun month with lots of different activities.  We see the Lord's hand in our lives as we are protected and sustained here in the mission field.  We see the theme "Worth of Souls" is great in the sight of God.  There are many different people to invite to come unto Christ.  May God's choicest blessings be with all of you.  We know this is the true church and desire all to receive the blessings that it offers.  With just about 3 months left in the mission field we have a lot of work to still do.  Busy is good in the Lord's work.
Elder and Sister Hinton


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