It's hard to believe on the 27th of August we hit halfway through our mission.  It's just nine months left.  This next transfer we will have all of our missionaries that worked with us be off their mission.  It's fun to get a text or two after they arrive home and hear how they are doing.  

We get to go to the Temple for the Young Single Adults the end of every month.   Last month was our turn to provide dinner for the ones going to the Temple doing baptisms or other temple ordinances after they're finished.    It's especially fun to have our new members get to join us. We asked our sister and elder missionaries to help us serve.  They just got word they can now go to the Temple every other  transfer.  It used to be they could only go when they take a new member for the first time.  There was real excitement over that announcement.

Best missionaries ever

Great servers

Our nephew's son came out as a counselor for FSY.  He is so musically talented.  We talked him into doing a special number in our branch.  Clayton (Matt's son) did a great job.  The FSY counselor's added about 70 people to our branch for 2 weeks.  We loved it.

Quilt in progress

I continue to go with my friend Deb I met to quilt.  I have learned a lot from her.  Her nephew Stephen is a member of our branch.  Here's the latest I'm working on.  Hopefully, it'll be close to being done by the the time I finish our mission.  It's a block a month.  That's my speed.

We have had some eventful Family Home Evenings.  They have a Come Follow Me lesson followed by an activity.  One week was swing dancing but this last week was minute to win it games.  Brenna our Activities Chair made awesome medals to go with the Olympics for winners.  I stayed away from the dangerous balloon popping and took pictures.  

I ran this station - it was safe

Rick playing balloon tag

I can now shake hands with my healing shoulder at  church.  The missionaries have practiced at district meetings shaking left handed for me.  We meet at the church and sit in the comfy chairs for district training.  They give the best doctrine and messages.  I can now almost keep up when they say the purpose and scripture.  They are speedy.

Imitating Eder Hinton

Elder Hinton and Strong

Our "Sis-trict"
8 sisters and 3 elders

Time after District Meeting

Our sisters did a special number for the baptism.  It was just beautiful harmony.  We will miss Sister Andrus as she goes home this transfer.  We are excited to keep the other missionaries for a little while longer.  

Leonard was baptized and then we found out his dad's name is Leonard and so is his brother  They all came to support him.  His brother is currently taking the lessons as well. 
Every transfer our missionaries going home get to go to the President's house for a departing testimony meeting and dinner.  This is our group going home this transfer.  We love that they video the testimonies from the missionaries so that we can hear them.  Many of them we have worked with since we arrived last December.  
We went to the "Word Museum" on P-day

It had lots of interactive displays.
Picture booth acting out words

We had to find an ice cream place 


Sister Solis and Skinner had also been companions
in the MTC in Provo

Sister Argyle having some fun!

I keep them grounded some days!

We meet with our District every Tuesday and we have some free time afterwards.  We 
love getting to know their unique personalities.  Our district goes to lunch together once a transfer and we are losing 8 of the 11 missionaries.  

We have seen many miracles and tender mercies in our time here in the Mission Field.  We see "friends" found on lawns at the college, stores or in the library.  We have our missionaries see people who are invited to find out more about Jesus and come to sacrament meeting for the first time.  We celebrate with their decision to become baptized and then see them grow in leadership in the Branch. In our teaching with the Addiction Recovery Program we know the Lord is helping people eliminate their addictions and draw closer to our Savior.

We love and miss friends, family and Arizona.  We know that the Lord is using us for spreading the gospel here in Washington DC.  It is such a unique culture here that allows us to meet people rom all over the world.  "Trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding."
He follows through and has directed our path while serving this mission.  Love to all of you and .....may God be with you till we meet again.
Elder and Sister Hinton


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