We entered the MTC on Monday, November 27, 2023 and were given our nametags and Preach My Gospel books (PMG).  They took us on a tour of the MTC and the buildings and facilities.  I was amazed at all the missionaries that were housed in the MTC.  

 We studied Tuesday through Friday on Preach My Gospel (PMG) and it was an extremely busy week.  We came home late at night exhausted.  We would study in classes on PMG and then had a meeting Monday with Branch President and were introduced to other couples who were serving all over the world.  On Tuesday evening we had Elder Budge of the Presiding Bishopric talk in the huge auditorium.  All the young missionaries as well as senior couples attended.  We had one of the largest groups of senior missionaries.  We totaled couples and senior sisters 70.  They reserved a spot on the side down front for us (older) people.  Wednesday night we had another fireside called the "Character of Christ".  It was based on the talk from Elder Bednar.  They used actual video of him at times.  They teased us at first that he has going to speak.  The President of the MTC said well not actually telling all the truth.  After the presentation we heard two speakers.  One was a quadriplegic man who bore testimony along with a woman talking about her beginning teenage life with unwed pregnancy and drugs.  Both of them had Christ in their lives to bring them back to the covenant path.  They always invite the new incoming missionaries to see it.  It was powerful. Thursday they scheduled us to attend an endowment session at the Provo Temple.  Our daughter Stacey joined us for the session.  They were housing us at the hotel near our granddaughters college housing.  Stacey, Brooklyn and Lily, her roommate, joined us for a little while and we showed them where we stayed for two weeks. 


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