When we got here on December 16, 2023 it was definitely winter.  The trees were bare as we drove on their many freeways.  We went back and forth for the Visitor's Center Christmas lights assignment.  We commented several times that we couldn't wait for spring.  It's magic here in Maryland.  We went from the Cherry Blossoms, to daffodils, on to gorgeous tulips especially at the Temple.  We now are in awe as we drive down the freeways and find gorgeous trees in green lining the roads.  I'm sure hot and humid is coming but we're enjoying it while we can.

 Washington DC Temple Grounds                                                      
Tulips in bloom

I had been teaching a conducting and piano keyboard class.  They each have a keyboard use from a grant I learned about in the MTC.  The 3 students are now practicing on their own until they finish the keyboard book.  They keep track and give me their practice hours every month.  Upon completion they get to keep the keyboard.  It's been fun to see their progress.  We have some very advanced piano players and they arrange some special numbers.  We don't have a lot of singers but about 10 did a special number.  Our choir leader is a very talented guy Alex Spencer.  

Institute ended for a summer brief break. We organized dinner for all who came and it will resume at the end of May.  Our branch decided it wanted to have a Friday night Disco dance.  It was a blast.  We dressed up and so did many of our branch.  The missionaries brought friends and we were enjoying hearing some of our old favorites.   

Disco Night

We are kept busy being member present at lessons for the friends of the missionaries.  Sometimes it involves bearing our testimony over the phone to missionaries and friends about a certain topic they are teaching.  We often bring treats for after the baptisms or prepare the programs.

Our son Bryan came in on business the week of April 15th.  We had him work at our apartment on Friday.  Getting up early Saturday the 20th  we hit an early Temple session and we then headed to DC with him.  We hit Burrito Bros.  I was in heaven to get a refried bean and cheese burrito.  They really like black beans here and it's not the same.  We headed down to the Air and Space Museum with him and spent the day and rode the metro both ways.  We've learned to find our way on the metro.  

Elder Hinton and Bryan at museum

We have a member of our ward who had surgery on his ACL, and I met his aunt that lives with  him. Steven is the only member in his family.  I've enjoyed getting to know her.  She is amazing with her sewing quilts.  She's created over 50.  She talked me into a quilting class with her.  I learned a lot of new ideas and met some wonderful people in that area.  I've continued to get to quilt with her weekly. This is my first one pieced and ready to be bound. I quilted it on the machine.


We have had several guys get baptized over the almost 6 months we've been here.  Our first girl was baptized on April 27th.  Shenika Jacobs had been taking the lessons for a while.  She was very quiet and we gave her rides to church a lot.  It's been fun to see her open up with the branch activities.  She is 26 and the oldest of 3 siblings.   She lives with her mom and two brothers.  What a fun day it was to add a girl to our branch.  I think we have about 55 attending regularly and about 20 girls.  Her mom came to support her.  

Shenika and missionaries Anderson and Nelson
We call our investigators "friends".  They quickly become good friends and we include them into our branch activities as we invite them to our church meetings, family home evening and institute.  Members offer rides to many of them because the metro doesn't go to our building.  A lot of them don't have cars.  They are good to see the needs in the branch.  Our leadership has really been key in helping make new friends feel welcome in the branch whether at activities or on Sunday for Church.

We had zone conference the 1st week of May.  We attend when our zone does and prep the food for the luncheon they give the missionaries.  They had chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, carrots and apples with dip.  They devoured the food and seemed to come back for seconds.  They have them Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning.  We have 5 zones.  In the afternoon on Thursday we have senior zone conference.  The senior missionaries going home will bear their testimonies and we have a teaching from the Mission President and his wife.  They are the Clarke's from near  Omaha, Nebraska. His family lives there still.  The terrible tornado that hit the area literally went around his house and his children's homes nearby.  What a blessing it was to them as they faithfully serve in the Washington DC North Mission. 

Of course, we joined in with everyone here in Maryland for the Solar Eclipse.  Our apartment provided glasses for the people in our complex.  It was fun and then as we were going inside and we got to share ours with someone who couldn't find any.  Our tags really get recognized so we're looking for opportunities to offer good "service".

It was only a couple of days after Bryan came and Brett (son) and Jared (grandson) arrived in DC.  It was a fun trip for them celebrating his graduation and mission call to Peru leaving July 8th.  It was extra special visit knowing we wouldn't see him for another 2 years.  They attended Stake Conference with us and the Single Adults.  Our Stake President is African American and seeing an influx of BYU interns made a funny comment about being in the right place and it's a different culture out here in Washington, DC.  We have a Single Adult Stake with 5 wards and 2 branches.  We helped provide food for the Sat. night fireside dinner.  I had to cook 15 pounds of rice and black beans for 150.  We got permission to see Mt. Vernon with Jared and Brett.  It's slightly out of our mission.  It was beautiful and a huge walking tour of the grounds, Potomac, and house. We barely could get Brett out of the Spy museum.  He's amazing at how he likes to read. (everything} A highlight was going to the Bond display and we all got to sit on the motorcycle he used.  So fun to have family come and visit this area in our mission.  Jared got to go out with the Elders and do street contacting while he was here to prepare for his upcoming mission.  We were able to go together to the Temple that day.

Brett and Jared at Spy Museum

Elder Hinton speeding!

Me in Motion

Jared at the Washington DC Temple


We had a wonderful P-day with most of our district.  We drove to Annapolis.  We got a tour of the campus of the Naval Academy.  They were getting ready for graduation.  It was so good to see many of them around campus for our missionaries.  They aren't allowed to get married the entire 4 years they are at the Academy.  The Blue Angels are scheduled to fly over for the graduation.  We had a lot of fun walking Old Town Annapolis and finding the best ice cream to give our missionaries Elder Hinton's favorite treat.

Touring the Naval Academy

Our full car to Annapolis!

Well , we have adjusted to the weather getting a little hotter.  The rain has come intermittently to cool things off.  It's very different than the rain in Arizona.  It's taken me a long time to put pictures to the words.  We hit our 6 month mark yesterday.  It's hard to believe how I felt when we first came versus now.  #weloveour mission

We have seen miracles happen in the lives of our missionaries and their friends.  The Lord blesses them with the ability to speak and testify boldly to the truths of the gospel and meet the needs of those they teach.  We are humbled at how the Lord sees fit to use us for his purposes.  I know that who the Lord calls,  He qualifies.   I started the Book of Mormon in January with the challenge from our Home Stake President.  I'm so excited to say I finished it this week again.  I know that it's another testament of Jesus Christ.   Elder Hinton and I are grateful to be in the service of our God.  

Have a great week,

Elder and Sister Hinton                                                


  1. You are busy doing so many good things. I love your quilt, Sherrie!


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