January has flown by and so we'll try to recap what wonderful events took place out here in the Washington, DC North mission.  Elder Hinton and I try to keep some New Year's goals and be more consistent in some of our study habits.  We love going to the Temple weekly and once a month we help in the baptistry with the Young Single Adult Temple day.  We enjoy that activity and then they go over to the Visitor's Center to eat together after.  We got a new Doctrine and Covenants study guide for Christmas and have enjoyed the insights taught to us.

We said good bye to our Director of the Visitor's Center - the Colton's.  They worked closely with us through our shifts at the Visitor's Center during the Festival of Lights.  All of the senior missionaries and some of the mission presidency were there.  It was a time to reflect on what amazing work happened with the missionaries serving there.  

We now have a new display at the Visitor's Center.  It's the Stained glass exhibit that was set up in the room where at Christmas we had nativity displays.  It's interactive and beautiful.  We are particularly fond of it because we saw the original when we visited the open house of the Italy Temple. 


We had the biggest snow storm since we've been here the first part of January.  We got about 7 inches of snow.  It was so cold that I had to order Rick a new coat.  He definitely needed more warmth.  Our son Kevin in Minnesota gave us a great recommendation.  We stayed inside for about two days and none of the snow melted very fast.  This was new to us Arizonans.  Boots, gloves, hats, and heavy jackets were brought out for a while.  Of greatest concern to us was the airports were shut down.  We were scheduled to fly out on Tuesday afternoon for our granddaughter's wedding in Salt Lake.  

On the Plane

We left Tuesday afternoon.  The big snow happened Sunday and Monday.  All flights were cancelled on Monday and then the 6 a.m. flight on Tuesday.  They cleared the runways and we were able to get off on Tuesday, make our connecting flight in Chicago and even arrived early in Salt Lake.  We were so blessed to spend some time in Salt Lake after getting approval from our mission leaders to attend.  We had the wedding, luncheon, reception, ball games, cousin time and even snuck in a little mini reunion with some of our missionaries who had already returned home.  We have some incredible memories from those few days.  We were so blessed to get home via Dallas and then here in Maryland.

Eliza and Jeffrey

Quilt I made

Missionaries returned

We were able to see some of our grandsons advance in the priesthood and participate in other activities.  Surprising Rick's sister for lunch at the Church Office buildings where she is serving was a highlight.  Some of our kids were able to join us for her birthday celebration.

Happy Birthday Lorene

Tytan, Grandma, Grandpa and Hauxton ordained

Cousins Family time

We have seen some fruit from all the missionary labors here in Maryland.  We have a sister and elder companionship in our branch.  We had 4 baptisms this month.  Sam, Flora, Elliot and Nelson joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  We have seen missionaries teach and members support the  people that are being taught.  

We enjoy supporting Family Home Evening (even when it was Ballroom Dancing), providing dinners for Institute and giving rides to friends of the missionaries to come to Church activities.  

We love getting to watch the Mission Basketball championships.  Our Silver Springs Zone won.  They only can do this every other transfer.  They called Elder Hinton the coach because he cheers for them.  

We loved having our missionaries and others over for an impromptu waffles and ice cream brunch.  We put our waffle maker to good use.  

We have seen the Lord's hand in our lives on a daily basis.  We had a little fender bender and were very protected.  We love the Lord and serving in this mission.  

Elder and Sister Hinton


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